Workshop: A Talk On TPRS By Dr. Frank Tang
This workshop is to examine the theory and practice of the popular foreign language teaching method – Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling. Dr. Tang is going to discuss the basic tenets of TPRS, the basic procedure and techniques of TPRS, the affective components of TPRS, and how to adapt TPRS to teaching Chinese language and culture.
Workshop: Chinese Oral Proficiency Interview & Task-Based Chinese Language Instruction By Prof. Chuanren Ke
This workshop is to focus on ACTFL Chinese Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and its pedagogical implications, and discuss task-based language instruction (TBLI). Prof. Ke will use some Chinese teaching videos and lesson plans to illustrate TBLI theoretical approaches and pedagogical principles. Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop.
Workshop: Using Technology to Enhance Your Chinese Teaching By Mary Ann Durso
This workshop is to share some practical ways for teachers to use technology to enhance Chinese teaching. After participating in this workshop, teachers will be able to use a variety of online tools in classroom. Confucius Institute in Chicago (CIC) invites you to join us for the workshop.
Workshop: How to Become a Chinese Teacher in CPS
CPS (Chicago Public Schools) has been seeking certified, highly qualified K-12 Chinese World Language Teachers. If you are interested in teaching Chinese in CPS, the Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop. Ms.
1. The Nature of Chinese Writing System and Its Instruction 2. The Grammar of Chinese as Foreign Language: What to Teach and How to Teach It? By Dr. Lening Liu from Columbia University
For the 1st topic, Dr. Liu will introduce an instructional methodology which teaches Chinese characters in close relations with vocabulary and composition. Dr. Liu will use samples of Chinese character and students' homework to showcase how to teach Chinese characters to different age groups of learners.
WORKSHOP: Chinese Teaching Case Study II: Analysis & Application by Dr. Wei-ling Wu
This workshop is to help teachers to bridge the gap between standards and implementation. Dr. Wu will introduce teachers to new ideas and strategies for teaching and learning and facilitate teachers to think what could be done differently and they could do for their own students. Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop.
2016 Chinese Cultural Festival--Free and open to the public
CIC and CPS will host its 3rd city-wide annual Chinese Cultural Festival at the Whitney Young Magnet High School from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 24, 2016. Click "REGISTER (here)" to send your registration.
WORKSHOP: Bringing Culture into Chinese Language Classrooms
As world language teachers, we’ll agree that gaining cultural skills is an important part of achieving competency in a world language.
Workshop: Empowering Students with Pedagogical and Authentic Tasks and Rubrics by Dr. Miao-fen Tseng
In this workshop, Dr. Tseng will discuss the task-based language teaching. She will also showcase useful and appropriate authentic materials and help create formative and summative assessments. Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop. 5 CPDUs
Workshop: Roadmap for Creating a Deep and Rich Curriculum By Dr. Helena Curtain
This workshop will highlight important aspects that we must consider as we develop a proficiency-focused curriculum that is deep, and rich, and engaging, for both students and teachers.