Workshop: Chinese Oral Proficiency Interview & Task-Based Chinese Language Instruction By Prof. Chuanren Ke

Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
CIC at Walter Payton College Prep High School
1034 N. Wells St., Room 106
Chicago, IL

This workshop is to focus on ACTFL Chinese Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and its pedagogical implications, and discuss task-based language instruction (TBLI). Prof. Ke will use some Chinese teaching videos and lesson plans to illustrate TBLI theoretical approaches and pedagogical principles. Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop.


Please send your RSVP to Yuan Pollick by Thursday, March 9, 2017(TEL: 773.534.0021 / E-Mail

CPS teachers please register at Learning Hub