1. The Nature of Chinese Writing System and Its Instruction 2. The Grammar of Chinese as Foreign Language: What to Teach and How to Teach It? By Dr. Lening Liu from Columbia University

Saturday, December 3, 2016 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Confucius Institute in Chicago at Walter Payton College Prep High School
1034 North Wells Street Room 106
Chicago, IL

For the 1st topic, Dr. Liu will introduce an instructional methodology which teaches Chinese characters in close relations with vocabulary and composition. Dr. Liu will use samples of Chinese character and students' homework to showcase how to teach Chinese characters to different age groups of learners.

For the 2nd topic, Dr. Liu will introduce a language-specific approach to grammatical instruction. Dr. Liu will use ample examples to highlight the common errors made by English speaking Chinese learners and shows how to, based on the analysis of these errors, select grammatical structures that a Chinese teacher should bring to students' attention. Dr. Liu will also use class plans to illustrate how different approaches of language instruction such as task-based language teaching and task-supported language teaching, teach Chinese grammar in a classroom setting. Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop.


Please send your RSVP to Yuan Pollick by Thursday, December 1, 2016(TEL: 773.534.0021 / E-Mail ypollick@cps.edu

CPS teachers please register at Learning Hub