Workshop: Roadmap for Creating a Deep and Rich Curriculum By Dr. Helena Curtain
This workshop will highlight important aspects that we must consider as we develop a proficiency-focused curriculum that is deep, and rich, and engaging, for both students and teachers.
Workshop Series on Technology (1): Using Technology to Enhance Your Chinese Teaching By Mary Ann Durso
This workshop is to share some practical ways for teachers to use technology to enhance Chinese teaching. After participating in this workshop, teachers should be able to use a variety of online tools including: Flipgrid; Kahoot; links and bookmarks; Screencast-o-matic; VoiceThread; Youtube Channels; the Google Drive for storage and online communication; Apps; software for Digital Sto
WORKSHOP: How to Become a Chinese Teacher in CPS
CPS (Chicago Public Schools) has been seeking certified, highly qualified K-12 Chinese World Language Teachers. If you are interested in teaching Chinese in CPS, the Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop. Ms.
From Writing to Speaking workshop: 10 Steps in Improving Speaking through Writing by Dr. Li-cheng Gu
In this workshop, Dr. Gu will introduce 10 steps and discuss how to help students improve their oral skills through writing with participating teachers. Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop. 2 CPDUs
Chinese Teaching Case Study workshop: Analysis & Application by Dr. Wei-ling Wu
This workshop is to help teachers to bridge the gap between standards and implementation. Dr. Wu will introduce teachers to new ideas and strategies for teaching and learning and facilitate teachers to think what could be done differently and they could do for their own students. Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop.
Chinese Cultural Festival
WORKSHOP: Bringing Culture into Chinese Language Classrooms
As world language teachers, we’ll agree that gaining cultural skills is an important part of achieving competency in a world language.
Orientation for New CPS & UCSN Chinese World Language Teachers
Orientation for New CPS & UCSN Chinese World Language Teachers in 2015-16 School Year
CIC Workshop: Brain-Compatible Strategies in Teaching World Languages By Dr. Frank Tang
In this workshop, recent brain research findings and implications to teaching and learning of world languages will be presented. Brain-based teaching principles will be discussed and illustrated. Effective teaching techniques and strategies will be introduced and demoed.
CIC Workshop: Chinese STARTALK Program–Information Session
The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Chinese Summer 2015 STARTALK Program is grant funded through the US Department of STATE and the National Security Language Initiative (NSLI). CPS in partnership with the University of Chicago (U of C) has offered Chinese STARTALK Program to CPS high school students since 2007.