
唱歌教中文 中文老师暑期培训班

Wednesday, July 8, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

任课老师张泓教授是美国著名歌唱家。她曾是上海乐团独唱演员,持有威斯康辛大学声乐学士学位和纽约州立大学声乐硕士学位,现任纽约州立宾汉顿大学终身教授。张泓荣获纽约州立大学总校和宾汉顿大学的优秀教学奖。张泓长期活跃在国际国内的音乐舞台上,演出数百场,并曾在联合国总 部 举 行 独 唱 音 乐 会。



WORKSHOP Session 1: Using Technology to Facilitate the 90% Target Language Classroom Session 2: Film Teaching at Novice By Bonnie Chunmeng Wang

Saturday, February 22, 2020 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
CIC at Walter Payton College Prep High School
1034 N. Wells Room 106
Chicago, IL

In the 1st session, the presenter will share effective instructional skills based on technology, such as searching copyrighted visual/audio information, modifying authentic materials, designing assessments by Google products or EdPuzzle, etc.

Workshop: How to Become a Chinese Teacher in CPS

Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
CIC at Walter Payton College Prep High School
1034 N. Wells Room 106
Chicago, IL
CPS (Chicago Public Schools) has been seeking certified, highly qualified K-12 Chinese World Language Teachers. If you are interested in teaching Chinese in CPS, the Confucius Institute in Chicago invites you to join us for the workshop. Ms. Christine Murphy Judson, the director of CPS Talent Acquisition, and Ms. Jane Lu, the director of the Confucius Institute in Chicago, will assist you in navigating the CPS employment and certification process. 2 CPDUs for IL teachers. FREE Chinese teacher candidates and prospective Chinese teachers are welcome to participate! Please send your RSVP to Jane Lu by Thursday, January 9, 2020. (TEL: 773.534.0020 / E-Mail :

Chinese Cultural Festival

Saturday, September 28, 2019 - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Whiteney Young Magnet High School
211 S. Laflin Street Arts Building Door 1 (on W. Jackson Blvd)
Chicago, IL

A fun and educational event FREE to the public

  • Performances
  • Hands-on activities
  • Awards & raffles


Free parksing at school parking lots

Organized by Confucius Institute in Chicago and Chicago Public Schools
