VIRTUAL Professional Development: On Issues Related to Linguistics in Chinese World Language Teaching
Virtual program is provided by professor Hongming Zhang from Macau University of Science & Technology/University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Virtual Workshop: Empowering Chinese Language Learning with ACTFL Six Core Practices, Part 2 By Ying Jin
This hands-on workshop will introduce the ACTFL Six Core Practices. The information presented in this workshop will include tips to formulate a lesson and activities in the target language, samples of various meaningful performance-based assessments, practical techniques and strategies to promote language proficiency growth of students, and more.
Virtual Workshop: Target Language Use: What/Why/How By Matt Coss
This session will challenge participants to reflect critically on their understanding of why and how we use the Target Language in our classrooms. We will then focus on concrete strategies to bolster our target language use, as well as discuss common challenges and possible solutions.
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: Boosting Literacy in Any Chinese Language Environment By Yalan King and Grace Xie
Some of our schools and teachers have used JoyReader or iChineseReader since 2017. These online Chinese reading resources are useful tools to assist teachers’ teaching and help students learn and practice their Chinese beyond classroom. We’d like to introduce one more such resource, Mandarin Matrix, and invite you to join us for the workshop.
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: Bringing Culture Into Chinese Language Classrooms
As world language teachers, we all agree that gaining cultural skills is an important part of achieving competency in a world language. In order to help enhance the Chinese language teaching and learning, we have invited local artists to come to present and demonstrate different types of Chinese cultural activities such as Weiqiand Taiji Quan.
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: Empowering Chinese Language Learning with ACTFL Six Core Practices, Part 1 By Ying Jin
This hands-on workshop will introduce the ACTFL Six Core Practices.
Orientation for New CPS Chinese World Language Teachers in 2021-22 School Year
Workshop: Sharing Experiences in Using New CPS Chinese Curriculum Guide and Resources by CPS Chinese Teachers
CPS Chinese World Language Program has been developing a new Chinese Curriculum Guide and Resources (CCGR) aligned to ACTFL’s World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.
Workshop: Rich Comprehensible Inputs via Songs, Picture Talk, Movie Talk and Storytelling by Jian Li
The presenter will discuss with participants how songs, picture talk, movie talk and storytelling can provide rich comprehensible language inputs in a Chinese world language classroom. Participants will be engaged in various kinds of activities to learn about how to apply these strategies into their own classrooms.
Workshop: Re-Thinking Assessment for Online and Hybrid Language Courses by Weibing Ye
What is the best alternative to the traditional assessments while a vast of in-person language courses are transiting to online or hybrid teaching during this pandemic? Usually, in face-to-face teaching, we use high-stake assessments, which may not be appropriate for online teaching and may require proctoring, which becomes very challenging with remotely teaching.