Workshop: Copycat - How to Improve Writing through Appropriation“照猫画虎”还是“照虎画猫”介绍一个通过模仿范文提高写作水平的好方法 by Pro Li Chengdu

Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Walter Payton College Prep High School
1034 N. Wells St. Room 106
Chicago, IL
CPS Chinese World Language Program
Copycat - How to Improve Writing through Appropriation
Prof. Licheng Gu
Imitating the framework of famous articles, students write their own compositions, which
is an effective strategy in Chinese teaching in middle and upper grades. This workshop
will provide and analyze three student work examples, recommend some model essays
that are suitable for students to imitate and discuss how to help students revise their